Pioneers Medical Center realizes that the medical bills associated with a hospital stay can seem complex and confusing. The Patient Financial Services Team can assist in answering any questions you may have about your financial responsibilities.
Your bill reflects all of the services you receive during your stay. Charges fall into two categories. One is a basic daily rate, which includes your basic medical care, meals, nursing care, housekeeping services, your room and its amenities.
The second category is the special services your physician might order for you, such as laboratory or radiological tests or therapy services. Some tests, such as X-rays and pathology, require the services of physicians that you may not meet. These bills are for professional services and are billed separately from the hospital. The physician who sees you here at Pioneers Medical Center also bills separately from the hospital. Those bills are for his/her services, and they will be submitted to your insurance by the Meeker Family Health Center.
Please remember your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, and you have the final responsibility for payment of your hospital bill.
A copy of your health insurance card will be obtained in order to verify eligibility and benefits. The hospital will bill your insurance company shortly after you have been discharged. It is your responsibility to ensure the requirements of your plan have been met and that necessary pre-certifications or pre-authorizations are obtained. If your plan’s requirements are not followed, you may be financially responsible for all or part of the services rendered in the hospital.
If Pioneers Medical Center is a participating provider with your health insurance company, we may confirm pre-authorizations and/or pre-certifications have been obtained. Some physician specialists may not participate in your health care plan and their services may not be covered. Any balances not covered by your insurance plan or your co-insurance providers are your responsibility to pay. Additionally, any co-payments, or deductible amounts required by your insurance company are also your responsibility.
A copy of your Medicare card will be obtained to verify eligibility and benefits. If you have Medicaid or a supplemental insurance, it will also be necessary to provide a copy of those cards.
You should be aware that the Medicare program specifically excludes payment for certain items and services, such as cosmetic surgery, some oral procedures, hearing evaluations, take-home medications and podiatric care. Pioneers Medical Center will bill Medicare, your supplemental insurance and/or Medicaid. You will be responsible for any balances, deductibles, co-insurance and co-payments not paid by Medicare or Medicaid.
Please see these brochures for more information on Medicare and/or Medicaid:
Pioneers Medical Center offers a Financial Assistance Program to assist with the costs associated with your hospital stay. A representative from Patient Financial Services will meet with you to review our program and determine eligibility. For our patients who do not qualify for the Financial Assistance Program, we offer in-house payment plans for up to 12-months.
Plans can be established for a minimum of $50.00 per month, up to 12-months maximum. This program is not eligible for the Prompt Pay Discount.
Pioneers Medical Center also offers a payment plan through “my loans” if you require more than 12-months to pay your bill. This plan allows you to set up your own monthly payment (minimum of $20.00 per month with a repayment of up to 60 months). The minimum balance that can be financed is $250.00. There are no applications to complete and all patients qualify. Simple interest applies.
If you have a question about a bill, a member of our Patient Financial Services Team will be happy to help.
Please contact us Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: (970) 878-9792
Payments should be sent to:
Pioneers Medical Center
100 Pioneers Medical Center Drive
Meeker, CO 81641