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Patient Rights

Patient Responsibilities

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

At Pioneers Medical Center, we make your safety our top priority. Everyone on our staff – physicians, nurses, healthcare executives and technicians – are committed to adhering to the highest safety standards, and this drives all of our decisions. We consider this commitment to be a partnership with our patients. You play a vital role in the process by becoming an active, involved and informed member of your healthcare team.

Your rights and responsibilities as a patient:

Speak Up Program

The “Speak Up” program, sponsored by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, urges patients to get involved in their care. Research shows that patients who take an active part in their care are more likely to have better outcomes. PMC welcomes your voice and encourages you to use these tips to help involve yourself in your care.


Speak Up Brochure

Be an Active Participant

We encourage our patients to be active participants in their health care through the use of the “Speak Up” program.

S peak up if you have any questions or concerns, and if you don’t understand, ask again.
P ay attention to the care you are receiving. Ask questions when you don’t understand.
E ducate yourself about your diagnosis, medical tests and plan of care.
A sk a trusted family member or friend to be with you if you are unable to ask questions for yourself.
K now what medications you take.

U se a health care organization that has undergone rigorous on-site evaluations.
P articipate in decisions about your treatment. You are the center of your health care team.

Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) Registry

The Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS), also known as the state immunization registry, is a confidential, computerized, population-based system that collects and consolidates immunization data for all persons born, residing in or receiving immunizations in the State of Colorado and provides tools for designing and sustaining effective immunization strategies at the provider and program levels. CIIS is an important tool to increase and sustain high vaccination coverage by consolidating patient vaccination records from multiple providers and providing official vaccination forms and vaccination coverage assessments. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) operates CIIS pursuant to the Immunization Registry Act -Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) § 24-4-2403.

The Immunization Registry Act provides for the disclosure and use of immunization information in order to meet statutory immunization requirements and to control disease outbreaks. It is the official duty of CDPHE and local public health agencies to use the birth certificate of any person to enroll the person in CIIS.

The purpose of this policy is to address the need to provide appropriate confidentiality protections of the information in CIIS as well as explain the privacy rights of individuals to exclude their information from CIIS. Privacy relates to the control individuals exert over their personal information; whereas, confidentiality relates to ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.

Note: This policy does not cover non-immunization related data and, as such, provider access to the Newborn Hearing/Newborn Screening module within CIIS. Providers are required to sign and abide by a separate Newborn Hearing/Newborn Screening Confidentiality Agreement provided by the Early Childhood Screening program at CDPHE.

Please reference the following links and attachments for further information.
CIIS opt-out procedures and policies
CIIS Program Website

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