We encourage our patients to be active participants in their health care through the use of the “Speak Up” program.
S peak up if you have any questions or concerns, and if you don’t understand, ask again.
P ay attention to the care you are receiving. Ask questions when you don’t understand.
E ducate yourself about your diagnosis, medical tests and plan of care.
A sk a trusted family member or friend to be with you if you are unable to ask questions for yourself.
K now what medications you take.
U se a health care organization that has undergone rigorous on-site evaluations.
P articipate in decisions about your treatment. You are the center of your health care team.
Pioneers Medical Center is a tobacco-free campus. Tobacco use is not allowed.
Wheelchairs are available at the Nurses Station. However, getting in and out of wheelchairs may be hazardous, so please ask for assistance from a member of the hospital staff.
For your protection, the hospital conducts periodic fire and disaster drills to test our readiness in emergency situations. If a drill occurs while you are here, please remain in your room and do not become alarmed. In the event of an actual emergency, you will be informed and protected.
Special regulations are in effect in areas where patients are receiving oxygen. Tobacco use is not allowed anywhere on the hospital campus and absolutely no smoking is permitted in any room where oxygen is in use or on standby.
General medications will be given to you as prescribed by your physician. Your nurse will ask you your name and another identifying piece of information each time to ensure your ultimate safety. This “timeout” procedure is a national patient safety initiative to limit potential errors. In order to best manage your pain, your health care team will regularly assess your pain. Should you require pain medication, it will also need to be prescribed by your physician. It is important to share your discomforts and pain with your health care team. If you have questions, please ask your nurse or doctor.
Patients are asked not to bring personal items to the hospital. Please leave personal items, like money, purses/wallets, car keys and jewelry, at home or ask a family member to keep them. The hospital does not accept responsibility for personal items.