The Pioneers Healthcare Foundation held its formational meeting on June 15, 2011. “We are excited with the formation of Pioneers Healthcare Foundation, said Trina Zagar-Brown. “The Foundation creates new opportunities to generate revenues to support PMC programs and facilities now and into the future.”
“We have built a great team. The Foundation Board members have a diversity of strengths; with each member very committed to quality health care services in our community,” continues Zagar-Brown. The 2011 Board of Directors are Trina Zagar-Brown (Chairman), Steve Wix (Vice Chairman), Blaine Franklin (Secretary-Treasurer), Christine Halandras, Diane Dunham, Tom Allen, and Dr. Shane Tong, Ken Harman (ex-officio) and Margie Joy (ex-officio).
The mission and vision for Pioneers Healthcare Foundation is to develop and steward philanthropic gifts to help meet the healthcare needs of eastern Rio Blanco County, through the financial support of individuals, businesses, organizations and foundations. The foundation will operate as a separate and independent 501(c)3 and will work to support the programs and services for Pioneers Medical Center, Meeker Family Health Center, and the Walbridge Wing, as they relate to improving healthcare in our community.
“The formation of a foundation is a monumental step towards meeting and funding the long-term healthcare needs of our community,” said Margie Joy, Executive Director for the foundation. “Having an active foundation will make PMC more competitive when seeking grants, equally important it will give our donors and sponsors a larger tax incentive when contributing to the healthcare mission.”
Some of the key program areas the foundation will focus on facility and equipment needs, and community outreach programs, such as Meals on Wheels, Marvine Ranch Cancer Screening Program, Meeker Streaker, and the Scholarship Grow Your Own Program. For more information about the Pioneers Healthcare Foundation please call Margie Joy at 970-878-9317.
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