Last Thursday, at the monthly Pioneers Medical Center Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved the purchase of a multi-slice Computerized Tomography (CT) Scanner. Currently, PMC utilizes a single-slice CT Scanner. “A multi-slice scanner will improve diagnosis time and enhance accuracy,” stated John Kapushion, PMC Radiology Manager.
The new CT Scanner demonstrates how technologic innovations are improving both the speed and accuracy of imaging results. Patients and physicians will now have access to crisp, detailed images of the head or body in seconds. Advanced diagnostic CT Scanners can detect a wide range of life threatening illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and lung disease, to name just a few. A CT Scanner is critical when diagnosing injuries from trauma, very important to a remote emergency and Level IV trauma center like PMC.
“Our new CT Scanner system will offer a combination of clinical excellence and patient safety,” said Kris Borchard, PMC Board President. “The real winners of the new CT Scanner are our patients.”
In addition to new equipment here, PMC will be making improvements to the CT Scanner suite, moving it from the current out building to an inside location. “We have researched several possibilities for the best location of the CT Scanner suite,” said Robert Omer, PMC Chief Executive Officer, “We feel it is important to bring the CT service in under the same roof as the other PMC radiology services. Of course there will be some renovation to prepare for the new equipment. We expect the construction and installation to be completed by the first quarter of 2009,” continued Omer.
The total cost of the CT Scanner project (equipment, renovation and installation) will be over $ 500,000. Pioneers Medical Center has received over $481,000 in grant funds to offset the costs. “Funding for a project like takes time, lots of time,” said Margie Joy, PMC Development Manager, “PMC started applying for grants in August of 2007, over the course of 12-months PMC has received grants from the Rio Blanco County CCITF Fund (County Capital Improvements Trust Fund), The Colorado Department of Local Affairs—Energy & Mineral Impact Fund, the Bacon Family Foundation, the Freeman Fairfield Trust, and the Caring for Colorado Foundation. PMC will fund the balance of the project from our capital fund budget, continued Joy.”
In other business, the PMC Board heard a presentation from the Meeker School District giving an overview of their plan for school facilities improvements. “It was interesting to learn the specifics of the School Board’s plan,” commented Borchard. “This (a new elementary school) is a big decision for our community, and I appreciated having a fact-based presentation.”
The Board of Directors also received reports on implementation of the first phase of the new computer system, and reviewed information regarding facilities projects and the on-going community planning initiative.
The next regular meeting of the Pioneers Medical Center Board of Directors will be Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 6:00pm. The Board of Directors typically meets the third Thursday of each month.
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